How to Implement Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing entails targeting specific companies or accounts likely to purchase their product or service, unlike traditional approaches which target broad persona demographics to generate leads and conversions. Account-based marketing typically delivers higher return on investment compared to lead generation tactics by targeting high-value customers directly.

ABM can be implemented independently or used as part of other marketing efforts such as demand generation or content marketing, making it ideal for software and services companies targeting large enterprises like financial institutions with multiple stakeholders and decision makers.

ABM allows marketing teams to create tailored experiences for their ideal customers. Furthermore, ABM allows teams to avoid spending their time pursuing leads that don’t fit their ideal customer profile (ICP); instead they can spend more time qualifying and engaging those customers who will most likely convert.

Implementing account-based marketing requires first identifying your top priority accounts by industry, size (employee count and revenue), and other considerations. Once identified, commence research into their pain points, industry trends, desired outcomes, desired solutions – using this knowledge create a customized strategy consisting of targeted SEM ads, personalized web experiences with website personalization technology as well as other tactics.

Account-based marketing not only reduces marketing and sales cycles, but it can also increase customer retention by providing tailored messaging that addresses individual customer needs more directly. This personalized attention often distinguishes B2B brands and can have a profound effect on overall customer experiences.

As ABM becomes more and more widely practiced, businesses of all kinds are taking to adopting this strategic approach to marketing and sales. According to one survey, four in ten marketers plan on increasing their ABM budgets over time – ABM’s positive effects on customer relationships can only strengthen revenues; making it an excellent strategy for any business hoping to improve its marketing efforts.

To effectively implement account-based marketing, start with a pilot program to assess the efficacy of your tactics. This will allow you to ensure success while mitigating risk and increasing learning. It is crucial that all stakeholders involved with the initiative understand its goals and expectations, to achieve maximum results at maximum return on investment possible. For more information about account-based marketing download our free eBook or call one of our video specialists and book a call.

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